Monday, 9 June 2014

Mint Grapefruit Refresher

I know I've called myself a bad little blogger before and I'm doing it again! To be honest I haven't been feeling very inspired to bake. My concerned friends and family have been noticing the lack of posts and have been asking me about it for a little while.
I have good news, today is the day I felt like blogging again. I have been extremely busy with a new full time job and a boyfriend to really have time to stop and blog. I have been cooking and baking a little bit, just haven't felt like posting, sorry :(
Today when I was driving home from hot yoga I got this intense craving for a fizzy refreshing drink and my brain started thinking. For a brief moment, I thought to swing by David's tea and order one of their iced fizzy drinks but I figured I could do better.
I have been watching a lot of the Food Network (as always) and Bobby Flay's Barbeque Addiction has been on repeat at my house. I don't care much about grilling meat but he always makes a drink to accompany his meals and I think it's really creative. Today he used mint in one of his drinks, so I started my inspiration off mint. My boyfriend has been on a grapefruit obsession but I wasn't sure if mint and grapefruit go together. I tend to have wacky tastes, so I figured I'd just go with it. Then there it was, my idea, after all these months of non-blogging, a mint, grapefruit fizzy something.
I decided to officially call it a refresher. Starbucks may or may not make me change that... until then, refresher it is!

Here is a blurry picture of Casey, just for fun

Makes 1 glass

1 Large Grapefruit (I used an organic red grapefruit)
About 10 Fresh Mint Leaves (more or less depending on taste)
Club Soda
1 Teaspoon of Sugar (or more if you don't like the sourness of grapefruit)

Place roughly chopped mint leaves at the bottom of a tall glass, add the sugar and mix it a bit with a straw. Squeeze 1 grape fruit and add the juice to a tall glass until it's about 1/4-1/2 full depending on the level of intensity you want. Add about 4 ice cubs and then fill the glass up with club soda. Mix and enjoy!
For all you drunks out there, add less club soda and then add a shot (or two) of either vodka, gin or white wine ?.. Have not tried these add ins (yet) but I will update soon for all my boozers ;)
you can garnish the glass with a slice if grape fruit or a mint leaf if you're feeling fancy.

xo tash